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Sue Erhart
Sue Erhart, author of Lose Your Critic for Good, is a lawyer, writer, and fellow traveler on the journey of life. She is a respected leader at a major corporation, while on the side she maintains her popular website, Practical Spirituality. Her weekly newsletter provides practical advice for spiritual journeys, reflecting her professional experience and positivity.…Read More
Sue Erhart, author of Lose Your Critic for Good, is a lawyer, writer, and fellow traveler on the journey of life. She is a respected leader at a major corporation, while on the side she maintains her popular website, Practical Spirituality. Her weekly newsletter provides practical advice for spiritual journeys, reflecting her professional experience and positivity. Sue’s writings are a testament to her life’s lessons, offering readers a smoother path to self-discovery. Residing in Cincinnati, Ohio, she balances her roles as a wife, mother, cook, and quilter with her passion for writing. Sue invites readers to embark on their own spiritual journey through her website, sueerhart.com.