Author Profiles
Ohio has a rich literary heritage as well as some wonderful contemporary authors. Learn more about them here! You can sort by various categories and see who has participated in our annual book festival by using the category search on the left, or search by keyword (including partial author names) by using the search field on the right.
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Doris Caceres-Schumick
Michael D. Campbell
Michael D. Campbell was born and raised in Lancaster, Ohio. He is a graduate of the Ohio State University in Geology and Hydrogeology in 1966 and of Rice University in Geology and Geophysics in 1976, and has been licensed as a Professional Geologist and Hydrogeologist in TX, LA, MS, WY, WA, and Alaska. Over a career of almost 60 years, he has also been elected a Fellow in many of the major geological societies in the U.S., Australia, and the UK.…
Read MoreMichael D. Campbell was born and raised in Lancaster, Ohio. He is a graduate of the Ohio State University in Geology and Hydrogeology in 1966 and of Rice University in Geology and Geophysics in 1976, and has been licensed as a Professional Geologist and Hydrogeologist in TX, LA, MS, WY, WA, and Alaska. Over a career of almost 60 years, he has also been elected a Fellow in many of the major geological societies in the U.S., Australia, and the UK. He was a Founding Member in 1977 of the Energy Minerals Division of the AAPG and was elected EMD President (2010-2011) and served as Chairman of the Uranium (Nuclear and REE) Committee (2004-2021).
Since 2010, he has served as Chief Geologist / Hydrogeologist for I2M Associates, LLC and I2M Consulting, LLC based in Houston, Texas and Seattle, Washington. He is well-known nationally and internationally for his work as a technical leader, senior program manager, consultant and lecturer in hydrogeology, mineral exploration and mining and associated environmental and geotechnical investigations. He has traveled extensively throughout the world to such places as Australia, India, Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Zambia, South Africa, Sudan, Sweden, Japan, Vietnam, Palau, Sardinia, Italy, France, Germany and other countries on projects for the United Nations (UNESCO) for developing or improving ground-water supplies and for large and small mining companies developing other natural resources, such as [phosphate, potash, uranium, and gold and silver, etc.].
He has published three technical books on uranium, water well technology and other natural resources, and numerous associated reports, technical papers, and presentations in the U.S. and overseas. In 1975, he and a co-author (Dr. Jay H. Lehr) were the Ohioana 1975 Book Award for Science ( see: ). Mr. Campbell has also served the legal community over the years as an Expert Witness or Consulting Expert for more than 40 cases. In pro bono, he served as Principal Instructor for the Institute of Environmental Technology in the mid-1990s. In 2004, he was elected to the Lancaster High School (Ohio) Distinguished Hall of Fame, see: .
He wrote about life in the 1940’s and 1950’s in the first few chapters of his childhood and young adulthood in Lancaster before the failure of the larger companies in Lancaster (as in “The Glass House.”). His Memoirs: “Anecdotes of a Lifetime: Memoirs of a Professional Geologist,” is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble in hardback, paperback, and in Kindle E-Book covering 17 Chapters, hundreds of footnotes and hyperlinks, many photographs, and an Index of principal characters and special topics of discussion, see:
His stated objective was to provide a record for his children, their children and grandchildren beyond on a Grandpa of the past, of his life, of his family and friends and associates during the mid-late 20th Century well into the 21st Century and what is it was like as a professional geologist who traveled the U.S. and the world in search of the natural resources needed by America to prosper in a country that has been recently side-tracked into strained political (and personal) relationships creating a serious threat to the American Democracy and to the stability of many American families. He and his wife, Mary, raised a family of 5 children, all now with one or more college degrees, and have been married for some 45 years. For updates on his family activities, see: For more on Mr. Campbell professional activities, see:
Marcy Campbell
Marcy Campbell is an author of picture books and middle-grade novels, which have earned praise from The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, School Library Review, The Horn Book, Kirkus Reviews, and many others. She is the recipient of multiple book awards, including the Ohioana Award for Juvenile Literature. Her picture books have been selected for the Junior Library Guild and named a Best Children’s Book of the Year by Bank Street College and National Public Radio. Her debut middle-grade novel, Rule of Threes, was selected by the State Library of Ohio for the Choose to Read Ohio list for 2023-2024. Marcy’s books have been translated into eight languages. She lives in Ohio with her family and multiple furry and feathered companions. Visit her at
Alejandra Campos
With Chinese, Panamanian, and Salvadorian heritage, Alejandra Campos is a Hispanic voice like no other. Her polemic views on the subject of migration are a direct result of her personal experiences while living in El Salvador (one of the most violent countries in the Americas), Mexico, and the U.S.A. Traveling the world from a very young age, Alejandra settled in the United States and eventually became a naturalized citizen. Although her legal status has always been legitimate, her “adventures” in this country have mirrored those of illegal aliens in many ways. Alejandra’s outstanding academic background includes an Industrial Engineering degree, a M.S. in Food Science, and multiple academic awards. For more, visit
Jamie C. Capuzza
Jamie C. Capuzza is a professor in the Department of Literature and Communication Arts and directs the Gender and Sexuality Studies program at the University of Mount Union in Ohio. Her coedited volume, Transgender Communication Studies: Histories, Trends, and Trajectories, has won three national awards.
Matthew Caracciolo
Matthew Caracciolo is the author of Moon Ohio and The Waygook Book: A Foreigner’s Guide to South Korea. As a travel writer, his work has appeared on Amateur Traveler, Only In Your State, Columbus Navigator, Columbus: A Book Project, and his blog Travel is Fatal on He’s currently a Tour Researcher and Writer with Shaka Guide and lives in the Columbus area with his family.
Judy Carey Nevin
Twice in my life, I received a fortune from a fortune cookie that read “You are a lover of words. You will someday write a book.” I never expected that fortune to come true, but here I am! My writing process is pretty messy-I go for a long time without any good ideas, then I’m struck with something that won’t let go, and I stay up way past my bedtime to get it just right. My sensibilities lean toward texts for the very young, especially preschool. I spent some of the best years of my career as an editor at Viking Children’s Books, where I specialized in picture books and easy-to-read books. I enjoyed very much bringing books into the world and am very proud of my books, What Daddies Like (Spring 2017) What Mommies Like (Spring 2018), and All Kids are Good Kids (Spring 2019). I’m currently a library director in Ohio, where I live with my nerdy professor husband, our bookworm of a daughter, and our crazy pooch.
More information about me and my books can be found at
Neil Carpathios
Neil Carpathios is the author of three full-length poetry collections: Playground of Flesh (runner-up in the Main Street Rag Press Book Competition), At the Axis of Imponderables (winner of the Quercus Review Press Book Award), and Beyond the Bones (runner-up in the FutureCycle Press Book Competition). He also has published several award-winning chapbooks. The recipient of fellowships and grants from the Ohio Arts Council and National Endowment for the Arts, he teaches and is Coordinator of Creative Writing at Shawnee State University in Portsmouth, Ohio.
Tim Carroll
Born and raised in Akron, Ohio, Tim Carroll attended Case Elementary, Litchfield Middle School and Firestone High School before obtaining a history degree from the University of Akron. Both of his grandfathers, John M. Carroll and John F. Ward, were drafted before Pearl Harbor and served overseas in the Pacific for close to three years.
Rae Carson
Rae Carson is a young adult novelist. Her debut novel, The Girl of Fire and Thorns received the first official Ohioana Young Adult Book Award. Publishers Weekly’s starred review of The Girl of Fire and Thorns. It was named one of ALA’s Top Ten Fiction for Young Adults books for 2011 and finalist for the Morris, Cybils, and Andre Norton Awards. The second book in the trilogy, The Crown of Embers, released in September 2012, also received a Publishers Weekly starred review and readers praise. Carson grew up in California and always wanted to be a storyteller. In 2004, Rae joined the Online Writing Workshop for Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror where she found her calling, made many friends, and met her future husband. She now lives in Arizona with her husband, noted author C.C. Finlay, and step-sons. Visit Rae’s website at