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OQ Spring 2016


[…] Library of Ohio. The glowing comments from everyone who attended convinced us that this should not be a one-time affair, but an annual event—one that would hopefully grow with every passing year. And grow it has: from ten authors to more than 120, and from 600 attendees to nearly 3,500. We’ve outgrown two facilities. We’ve expanded festival programming, adding spaces […]

OQ Winter 2018 lr


[…] began to receive inquiries about speaking engagements. In 1893 with the help of financial backing, he self-published his first book of poems, Oak and Ivy. Selling them for $1 to passengers riding his elevator, he repaid his debts and now had a tangible product of his creativity. With Dunbar’s second book, Majors and Minors, his career skyrocketed with a favorable, […]

October 2015 Newsletter


[…] were then taking place across the United States. Although they continued to write, in later years Lawrence and Lee also began to teach and lecture, imparting their wisdom, experience, and passion to new generations of playwrights. There were more awards, too, including their induction into the Theatre Hall of Fame in 1990. They were also honored twice more by the […]

OQ Spring 1967


[…] few basic facts about it, but so far as my own work is concerned, I consider it very minor indeed, and I am not being humble about this, I am passing fair judgment. If-and this is a big IF-there had been more time and perhaps better opportunity, which in no way is to be regarded as an excuse, I have […]

OQ Spring 1967


[…] few basic facts about it, but so far as my own work is concerned, I consider it very minor indeed, and I am not being humble about this, I am passing fair judgment. If-and this is a big IF-there had been more time and perhaps better opportunity, which in no way is to be regarded as an excuse, I have […]

OQ Spring 2017


[…] using the shape of Ohio as the book itself. Q What inspired you to become an author and illustrator? Was there a specific book, author, or artist that influenced your passion for children’s literature? A My first job was at Hicklebee’s Children’s Bookstore in San Jose, California, when I was in high school. I always knew I wanted to be […]

OQ Fall 1958


[…] are for the most part sunlit and accessible. There is an ample sense of horizons, clouds, stars–all the pageantry of the sea­ sons’ stage the earth provides for our human passions. People are her theme, but she has the true seer’s eye for the minor unmarked things of nature: the Indian Pipe, “blue flake upon blue flake” of gen­ tians, […]

OQ Spring 1966


[…] a store under the printing office. It was in the form of a calla-lily, with the flame fork­ ing from its tongue in its white cup; and he could never pass it, by day or night, without stopping to adore it.” His first sculptor friend was Thomas D. Jones known also as “Tremendous Dead Bones”), who had set up shop […]

OQ Summer 1967


[…] Many selections in these books are calcu­ lated to adjust students to sports. The very titles of these stories indicate well enough what adventures in life adjustment they af­ ford: Pass That Puck!; Lou Gehrig Joins the Yankees; Fast Ball (by Bob Feller) ; Stretch Makes a Basket; and Baseball and Books. This last is by Wally Moon and contains […]

OQ Winter 2022


[…] not let it affect everything else in my life. Goldbach: In one section of Rust, I grapple with the memory of a sexual assault that I experienced in college. These passages were the most difficult to capture on the page. For me, writing is always a tough and tiring task. It’s never easy to turn a blank screen into a […]