OQ Winter 2024


[…] Book Festival on Saturday, April 20, at Columbus Metropolitan Library’s Main Library. It will be a fabulous event to celebrate Ohio books and authors—and it’s free! Keep watching our web site and social media for details in the coming weeks. We’d love to see you there. David Weaver Executive Director From the Director Winter 2024 | 4 Rod Serling unquestionably […]

OQ Spring 2024


[…] live podcast recordings, storytimes and activities for kids, costumed characters, and local food trucks. And of course—books! The Book Loft of German Village will be back as the festival’s on site bookseller. You can purchase copies of all the books featured at the festival and get them signed by your favorite author! More than 120 Ohio authors and illustrators (see […]

OQ Fall 1958


[…] for many of the great “finds” in the prehistoric mounds of southern Ohio. One summer I camped with Dr. Mills and his assistants during the exploration of the Baum Village Site, where many treasures now in museums were unearthed. I was also with him dur­ ing the opening of the Adena mound, where he discovered a magnificent effigy pipe, one […]

OQ Winter 1960


[…] the subject of Minnie Hite Moody’s sketch in the preceding issue: During my boyhood at New Lexington, Ohio, I had seen “the immortal J. N. Free” occasionally when he vi sited his relatives who lived there. He was already a legendary person, the subject of many anecdotes, the strangest of which seemed per­ fectly credible. My last glimpse of “J. […]

OQ Spring 1962


[…] Orchestra, who is also instrumen­ tal supervisor for the Toledo Public Schools. She has built her 12-year-old organization on two major requirements: talent and willingness to work. But these prerequi sites do not automati­ cally admit a boy or girl to the Toledo Youth orchestra. In addition, the stu­ dent must be studying an instrument; must play in his own […]

OQ Summer 1963


[…] The River By LAWRENCE S. THOMPSON IN THE EARLY FALL of 1788 John Filson disappeared in the Miami woods just north of Cincinnati, or Losantiville, as he had called the site of the future metropolis. If the forty-one year old author of The Discovery, Settlement and Present State of Kentucke (1784) had survived, he would probably have been the first […]

OQ Winter 1964


[…] materials and microfilm can be used. A photographic laboratory is operated as a part of the public service. Books and manuscript holdings have been fully catalogued. Historic Spiegel Grove, the site of the Rutherford B. Hayes Library, was once the camping ground of early Erie and Huron Indian tribes, and across the estate runs a portion of the old Sandusky-Scioto […]

OQ Summer 1967


[…] the occasion of a visit to the Library by Mrs. Bernice Williams Foley, Director of the Ohioana Library.” 38 These two presentations were made in March when Mrs. Foley vi sited Taipei and Tokyo. Both gifts of books were received by high dignitaries of the two governments and of the national libraries in impressive ceremonies. which expressed the high esteem […]

OQ Spring 1969


[…] grave was, though everyone could point out her house. 5 Some establishments, of course, pro­ pose very different responses from those I’ve been talking about. Several years ago I vi sited the elaborate home of a novelist who had an immense success in the ’20s and ’30s, and excellent sales, if an in­ creasingly poor reputation, throughout the ’40s. What […]

OQ Summer 1969


[…] Moody), and his son Major Isaac Hite built Belle Grove. It was not until the 1770’s that Jacob Hite moved to South Carolina and Abraham emigrated to near the present site of Moorefield, West Virginia. Taking thirty families with him, Abraham became a pioneer settler in Kentucky in the 1780’s. Whether from a spirit of adventure or lure of new […]