Poetry reviews

December 3, 2018
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We can all use a little more poetry in our lives … maybe a LOT more poetry.

And since we want everyone who reads the Ohioana Quarterly to become familiar with our Ohio poets, we want more poetry reviews.

We’ve been thinking about how to get more of those reviews into the OQ, so we’re taking a moment here in the Ohioana blog to provide a few resources to writers who maybe already review as well those who want to. These are interesting articles as well, and provide good insights.

From Publisher’s Weekly: “What Poetry Reviews are for (and up Against)” by Craig Teicher. From the article: ” ‘The purpose of poetry reviewing is to keep the art of poetry alive,’ says Kevin Prufer, an editor, poet, and prolific reviewer for various literary magazines.”

From Writer’s Digest: “Reviewing Poetry Books: Why Does It Matter?” By Robert Lee Brewer. From the article, an interview with Jeannine Hall Gaily: “If you want to learn how to review a book, read the reviews in some of the literary magazines you already enjoy, but also pick up The New York Times Review of Books, The Women’s Review of Books, Poetry Flash, The Review Review, and The American Book Review.”

From the Poetry Foundation, publisher of Poetry magazine: “100 Years of Poetry: Re-Reading Reviews” by Joel Brouwer. From the article: “What should a book review do? Analyze, empathize? Compare, contrast? Historicize, contextualize? Defend, demolish? When I started reviewing poetry, I had no idea. I flailed away blindly at each assignment until, somehow, I knocked it out.”

There’s plenty of good ideas here for poets who would like to see their books reviewed as well as hone the craft of writing poetry. By spending time evaluating the work of others, you get a lesson on improving your own work. You also support other poets by giving their work thoughtful consideration.